Hospital of St. George and schola of St. Eutichius

(13th century)

via Borgovico

Nothing is known about the origins of St. George’s hospice. Recorded since 1293, it was incorporated with the hospitale novum (the hospital of St. Anne) in 1468, but it seems it preserved its autonomy because at the end of the 16th century it was managed by the schola (confraternity) of St. Eutichius.

As time went by the assistance was restricted to the poor of the parish; in 1679 Donato Tajana designated the confraternity as his universal heir with the burden of distributing forty lire to the poor and to young people of the parish who took part to cathechesis. In the 17th century the schola also included Gian Battista and Gian Paolo Recchi, to whom have been attributed the renovation of the apse of the church and some paintings conserved in.

What documents tell us…

From the reports about Bishop Filippo Archinti’s pastoral visitation, 1598

The schola of St. Eutichius has ancient origins. It is ruled by an abbot, who acts as prior, and has seven mayors, who are elected every three years, by secret ballot, with the approval of the archpriest of St. George. The schola rules only a certain hospital called St. George; it manages its incomes and these are shared as follows: one of the mayors is responsible for keeping account books and issues the poor a document written on his own hand and signed by another mayor; only after this procedure the treasurer can give money to the needy.  



Main photo. G. B. Recchi – G. P. Recchi, St. George and St. Eutychius adoring the Blessed Sacrament, about 1641 (Como, St. George’s church)

Below. Gravestone of St. Eutychius’ Brethrens, 18th century (Como, St. George’s church)

Como, St. George’s church, 17th – 18th century