Mensa serale dei Poveri (Evening Soup Kitchen for the Poor)


via Grossi, 18

The evening soup kitchen was opened in 1999 on the initiative of the mother superior of the religious Order of the Daughters of Saint Mary of Providence, who assigned to this activity some rooms at “Casa della Divina Provvidenza” (Divine Providence House) and gave continuity to the itinerant soup kitchen for the city homeless that had been started up by a group of young people.  At present the soup kitchen is managed by the Daughters of St. Mary of Providence and some volunteers who founded the association called “Incroci” in 2000.

What documents tell us…

From the internal regulation of St. Mary of Providence’s House in Como, 1899

At the carità.

 It is a compartment destined to lodge poor pilgrims and abandoned women who need a shelter for a night or longer.

Concerning these poor pilgrims, it has been stated that all begging women who can’t find accommodation anywhere else can be lodged here for a night, as well as women in poor condition who desire to spend a day in the house and at last, infirm women who need climatic therapy for some days.

Concerning the service, supervisors can recruit a nun in case of need who can dedicate herself only and entirely to the poor, satisfy both spiritual and corporal needs of the guests and has to feel  that she is doing one of the most beautiful charity gesture in the house.


50 seats

Open from 7.00 pm to 8.30 pm, Monday to Sunday

Serves daily 120 meals (2014).



Main photo. St. Luigi Guanella (1842-1915)

Below. Blessed Chiara Bosatta (1858-1887)

The courtyard of “Opera don Guanella”, which the chicken soup looks onto